Slovenia Media Trip
July 19-26, 2017
$2,600 estimated (includes flight, fees, shuttle, all meals at the hotel, lodging at conference center, and administration fees TGS incurs to process all donations through accounting)
May 1: Tickets/Administration fees due (est. $1,500)
July 1: Conference fees due ($1,100)
A Note From Maria
For the last year I have served as an Ambassador for The Good Story ministry. This nonprofit is gathering creatives and technology professionals from the Body of Christ to donate their services to train and equip missionaries to be efficient communicators in this age of technology. I believe it is crucial that we stay relevant and show the story of how God is working around the world. Visual arts and technology can be used to tell the stories of miracles and life change that are happening right now. We need to bring attention to the billions who do now yet know Jesus and make them real. It’s easy to ignore a number, but it’s impossible to forget a face. I believe visual arts and technology can help make these people real, people who so desperately need Jesus.
This July I have the opportunity to travel with a media team of Ambassadors to Portoroz, Slovenia. We are attending the ReachGlobal European Division Conference to document the conference, offer photography and videography services, and teach two communication workshops.