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Roma To The Nations
Dillon Tulip


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A Note From Dillon

“I am in awe of the power of our God. The power to unite nations together under His word and strength to teach and grow. The Roma conference is a beautiful picture of God’s work across the globe. In this conference missionaries from all over the world will unite under one roof to share in Gods righteousness and embrace the ability He has given each one of them in their countries. These missionaries will grow, learn, and be educated in multiple ways to leave this conference even more equipped to change a globe. This trip to Europe will prove a great opportunity for these missionaries to share with each other and grow as a Church to impact tomorrow.

If you even speak the word “gypsies” in Europe this mere word causes people to cringe. To hold tight to their wallet, and build up a slew of harsh words in their minds. In the western world gypsies are either largely unknown, or worst only known under inaccurate pretenses. The true story of the Roma is a story that needs to be known. These people are loving, caring and trying so hard to be raised to life out of the structure they were born into. Without any resources they cling to Jesus and His promise to prosper for all their hope. The Roma are passionate people, yet born into a system that drastically needs change. This is a message that needs to be known, this is a story that needs to be told, and most importantly these are people that need to be loved.”

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